Thursday, November 1, 2007

In Sickness and In Health

Well, Halloween was slightly scary for the first time in my life. Okay, not really scary...but it would have been scary if my head really did explode like I thought it had. Yesterday evening I developed my usual weekly migrane. Usually they're very small migranes and I only call them migranes because they aren't any other type of headache, not because of their severity. But yesterday evening it was bad enough that we turned off the movie we were watching and I went to bed. Then around 2:30am, I woke up feeling like someone had failed to kill me by shooting me in the head with a weak shotgun. I haven't had a headache bad enough to make me cry since I was about 11 years old, but last night I was well beyond a little sniveling. I was full out bawling my eyes out. The only part of my head that didn't hurt was my chin. My brain felt like it was pulsating, expanding to twice it's natural size with each throb. My sinuses were suddenly stuffed up beyond their capacity, and blowing my nose was like blowing up a water balloon - difficult, and painful for the 'balloon' (my brain). My ears were throbbing, my eyes were surely halfway out of my head...even my teeth hurt. But my chin was okay. Poor Kyle probably wasn't sure what to make of me at first, being woken up in the middle of the night and all. But he immediately got up and got a cool washcloth for my head, and brought me some water and ibuprofin (who names these drugs?). He almost took me to the emergency room, but after physiologically rejecting the ibuprofin, and requiring a lot of snuggling, I felt 'better' enough to fall asleep, waking up every so often to flip the cool side of the cloth to my head. I woke up this morning with just a mini-migrane which is a whole lot better than I expected, and was able to drag myself in to work today. I'm not sure what exactly brought on such an awful headache (too much candy? lol) but I sure am glad Kyle was there with me. I felt bad for waking/keeping him up, but I don't know what I would've done without him. He takes such good care of me:')

1 comment:

Kathy B. said...

yay for husbands who take care of us in the middle of the night!