Wednesday, October 31, 2007

(: Dunder Mifflin, this is Pam :)

This has definitely been an interesting week. Monday was a sick day (except we did go to work).
Yesterday I rear-ended somebody and had to pay for a dent in their bumper that I am 95% sure I did not cause. Kyle was sweet about it though and didn't get upset, even when I mentioned the cost of the dent. But I guess, like he said, it wasn't as bad as it could've been. It sure was frustrating though, and the day didn't really get any better after that. It just sort of dragged along with the same sort of tone through the whole day:-\ I got home, and did not feel like cooking. Then Kyle suggested we grab some Taco Bell from around the corner:) He's so good to me:') We ate Taco Bell, and I went to bed around 8:30. I needed that, lol.
Anyway, so today, Wednesday, is Halloween. This morning was crazy. We woke up to no hot water. So I had quite an adventure trying to wash my hair. I filled the sink most of the way with cold water, boiled a gallon or so of water, and put it in with the cold water, and washed my hair in the sink. Yuck. Then my hair fought me while trying to get it curly for my halloween "costume" and I was quite nearly late for work!...But today is probably going to be a fun day. A lot of people in my office dressed up, haha. My 'costume' is pretty simple - it's a name tag that says "Pam." Pam is the receptionist on the TV show, The Office. I figured it was easy, and appropriate. Unfortunately, not everyone watches The Office, so occasionally people are confused as to why I am wearing a name tag that says 'PAM' lol. But a few people appreciate my costume;) lol. Too bad Anderson isn't working here anymore - he loves The Office, so he would get it, haha. Anyway, there are quite a variety of costumes in the office today:) We have (of course) a receptionist, a baby, a vampire, 'Global Warming,' an 80's aerobics instructor, a referee, a Hogwarts student, a pirate, a soccer player, and a few more that I can't think of, lol. It's pretty fun/funny:)
Tonight Kyle and I are going to hand out candy to any trick or treaters that come our way. We don't expect very many, but we have a little bit of candy anyway. Hopefully we'll get at least a few, lol. We definitely don't want all that candy sitting around waiting to be eaten, haha. So we'll see how that goes. Just in case we don't have many trick or treaters, we have our first NetFlix movie to watch:) Kyle doesn't have much homework, so we'll get some time to chill tonight:) It should be a fun evening:)

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