Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ugh, Is It Over Yet?

So after about 12 days of feeling a bit blah and queasy, I was beginning to get used to least enough to act like I was feeling fine. I guess that meant it was about time to start feeling worse! *sigh* This morning I woke up feeling a little more queasy than before, and stayed in bed until Kyle left for school. He was sweet and brought me my crackers and made me relax while he made his own breakfast. After he left I got dressed, brushed my hair back into a ponytail, set my alarm for 8:20, and snoozed until then. When the alarm woke me up, I grabbed my lunch (let's see if I can eat it:-p), slipped into my shoes and trudged out the door. By this point I felt like the few crackers I'd eaten were having a boxing match in my stomach and just might decide to find the nearest exit before long. Thank goodness they didn't. By the time I got to work though, I was ready to go back home :( However, I think I've got an okay system down for surviving the day. When people aren't around, I lay my head down on my desk (I can do so in such a way that I can't be seen from where people come in) and I keep an ear out for elevator dings and footsteps. So far it's worked pretty good. My boss knows I'm not feeling well, so he doesn't seem to mind as long as I'm up and alert when people come in. Hopefully I'll feel better as the day goes on, but I will definitely be glad when the day is over. I can't wait to get home...

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