Sunday, November 18, 2007

Yucky Saturday, Yummy Potato Chips

So yesterday I woke up feeling really yucky:( My head hurt (again) and my tummy didn't even like the thought of food, except potato chips. I made Kyle run to the grocery store for some chips for me. My mom will think this is a bit peculiar, as potato chips were the only thing her stomach could handle during the early stages of her pregnancies. Don't worry, I'm 99% sure it's just a tummy ache;) Anyway, I think I wanted potato chips because I couldn't handle anything 'heavier' than that. So Kyle got me my chips (yay for sweet hubbies:), and even fixed lunch and got dinner for us:) He has gotten a bit of kitchen experience lately, haha. I didn't make him cook dinner though. He went and got us take-out, which I wasn't able to finish but I did enjoy a little bit of it:) It was a weird day. I probably slept through about half of it with my various naps and short snoozes, so it sometimes felt like a very long day, and then other times it felt like a bunch of really short lazy days, lol. I don't think I really had a clue what day or time it was for the better part of the day. Honestly, I can't say I minded having to loaf around for a whole Saturday. The part that I really didn't enjoy was that I couldn't sit up or stand up long enough to take a drink without feeling sick again:-\ But Kyle took good care of me, like always, and I am feeling a bit better today. Hopefully I just caught a short-term bug. I definitely can't afford to call in sick tomorrow...:-p

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh man that stinks!! I hope you are feeling better now. I had similar experiences on birth control.. I don't know if its related.. but I was always getting headaches and stomach aches. I hope you guys are doing well!