Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Yesterday I was eager to get home from work and get started on dinner! I was planning on making what I hoped would turn out to be a very yummy meal: chicken parmesean, caesar salad, garlic bread, and a sort of alfredo noodles side dish. I rushed home and pulled up to the gate into our parking garage only to find...I didn't have the clicker to open the gate:( The previous evening I'd clipped the clicker to my purse so that I could open the gate to go the short way to our apartment. It had still been on my purse that morning, and had been there when I tossed my purse under my desk at work...oohhhh shoot...
It just so happens that Kyle had gotten home at the same time as me. As I sat there in front of the gate, I explained the predicament. He pointed out that even if someone opened the gate for me, I wouldn't be able to get out in the morning. He said, "Well, you could run back to the office if it's still open." It was still open, for sure, but...what about dinner! A bit frustrated I said, "Okay, do you want to drive to my office, or start dinner." I'm sure it's no wonder he looked a bit put-on-the-spot. "I'm not gonna waltz into your office. Nobody there knows who I am!" (didn't occur to me that they ALL know what he looks like, but oh well, lol). I said, "Okay, well can you start dinner?" He seemed to think this was a bad idea for some reason. I grabbed a napkin from between the seats and my keychain-sharpie and wrote "tomato sauce, tbsp cream, parmesean...on chicken" on it, and told him, "Thaw out the chicken, stick it in the small casserole dish, stir the cream into the tomato sauce, pour it on the chicken, and top it with parmesean. Then bake it." He looked at the napkin like he thought it would be more edible than dinner if he cooked (Silly boy:). He said, "What if I ruin it?" "You won't ruin it. I'll be back long before it's done, so don't worry. 350* for about 40-45 minutes. I'll be right back." I rushed back to the office, convinced the parking attendant that she should let me park for free, rushed in, grabbed the clicker, and rushed home. When I came home Kyle was sitting at his computer and the apartment smelled like...chicken parmesean, of course! I'm not sure what he was worried about;) I tossed together the side dishes, pulled the chicken out of the oven, heated up the garlic bread, and...voila! Kyle cooked a very yummy dinner:) I told him he could cook;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay for husbands cooking dinner! We need a break sometimes;).