Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving Weekend

Well, I was feeling better enough on Thanksgiving that I was able to eat a reasonable amount:) That was good:) Thanksgiving was fun:) We spent the weekend in Lancaster, at my parents' house, but did Thanksgiving at Kyle's parents' house, along with my parents, my brother, and Kyle's family's friends, the Tomaks:) It was a pretty big group compared to a usual Glazner style Thanksgiving! It was great:) We watched the game while the turkey was in the oven, and then had dinner, pie, etc which was all great!:) Then we played Balderdash, which if you haven't played before, you definitely should try:) It's a lot of fun, and funny!:)
I think feeling better on Thanksgiving was a little blessing from God to make the holiday as great as it always is. Now, however, Thanksgiving is over, and I guess He decided I can deal with feeling yucky for awhile longer *sigh*...I've been eating more than just crackers lately, but this morning, toast and three peanuts was beyond my stomach's tolerance:( Goldfish and milk are basically what I've been living off of, so I'm trying to encorporate some sort of vitamins and proteins into my limited diet, but seeing as 3 peanuts wasn't tolerable, it's not easy. Fortunately the pint of milk that I've almost finished today has about 40% of the protein I need, 70% of the calcium I need, and 50% of the vitamin D that I need. So if I keep drinking lots of milk, and have a good healthy dinner (let's hope I can), I should be good...*sigh* I hope I get better soon...

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