Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My Favorite Things

I wrote this nearly a year ago, but seeing as the holidays are drawing near, and I'm wearing a red sweater and drinking hot chocolate and wishing I had a warm fire to warm my feet just seemed like a good "repost":)

hehe, I needed to cheer myself up somehow, as I'm quite lonely without Kyle, so I rewrote the "Favorite Things" song, lol. (Footnotes at the bottom, as some stuff is like, "huh?" or "are you serious?")

(1) Books marked with roses and soft homemade mittens
(2) New knitting needles and notes neatly written
(3) Kyle's bright smile, the joy that he brings
These are a few of my favorite things

(4) Warm tasty coffees and fresh pasta noodles
(5) Playful young puppies and baby toy poodles
(6) Knowing it's Kyle when my cell phone rings
These are a few of my favorite things

(7) When the car dies
(8) When the alarm rings
(9) When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite thingsand then I don't feel so bad

(10) Cold puppy noses and soft cozy kittens
(11) Staring at Kyle and feeling quite smitten
(12) Cold rainy winters instead of just spring
These are a few of my favorite things

(13) Baking fresh cookies and home-making candy
(14) Finding for once that the scissors are handy
(15) Waking to find that Kyle isn't a dream
These are a few of my favorite things

(16) When the dog barks
(17) When the car's dinged
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite thingsand then I don't feel so bad

(1) From "You've Got Mail" / I like mittens:)
(2) New knitting needles are somehow refreshing / I am very picky about writing letters neatly
(3) Self explainitory :D
(4) Yummy
(5) An elderly couple I know just got two toy poodle puppies and they're SO cute a playful and just adorable:)
(6) Yay!:)
(7) ...or rather, won't start
(8) Either the fire alarm in Horton, or my alarm clock
(9) Like when I can't talk to Kyle
(10) They're funny / Kittens can be very good snugglers
(11) Hehe, it's a favorite pastime
(12) I love winter, especially rain
(13) I love baking:) especially making cookies for Kyle:)
(14) Whenever I need them, they are somewhere else, so when for once they are handy, it is a huge thing, lol
(15) I've wondered occasionally when I've woken up, and had to check my cell phone for his number and my neck for the locket he gave me, to convince myself it's all real (needless to say, I get to wake up and check for HIM, rather than his picture now;)
(16) He barks TOO MUCH
(17) ...from me backing into things, haha

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