Monday, November 5, 2007


No, not real geese. Just a couple of silly gooses. Me and Kyle, that is... I tend to save my silly self for at home, as most of my silly moments are simply embarassing moments that Kyle knows how to respond to so that I feel silly, rather than stupid;) I'm sure it is at least a daily thing that he gently laughs at me and says, "You're a silly goose" with a smile of entertainment on his face. This is usually followed by me saying, in a silly childish voice, "I no goose," to which he responds, "You're my goose:)" Lately we've been using the "You're my goose" phrase even without silly moments or any reason at all, really. Just random hugs, a kiss on the cheek and "You my goose"...We'd always wondered what terms of endearment we would use, since Honey is a dog to us, and neither of our names can really be turned into "pet names" (names of endearment, not names for pets). But I don't think we ever imagined Goose becoming one, haha;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thats cute! Alex and I have adopted boo as a pet name for each other. But it gets confusing because he likes to sneak up on me and try to scare me by saying boo too...