Friday, November 30, 2007

Yay for the Weekend!

This morning I woke up to hear millions of drops of rain pattering away on our ceiling and windows:) Even at six o'clock in the morning, this was a nice way to wake up:) I enjoyed a warm shower and the sound of the rain, made breakfast, and insisted that Kyle bring a jacket to school as I saw him out the door. When I left for work soon after, it was still sprinkling, and overcast:) Rain and Christmas music made for a nice drive to work, not to mention that traffic was pretty light:) Work was slow, but throughout most of the day I actually felt pretty much normal, rather than sick!:) Needless to say, rain, Christmas music, and feeling better made for a good day over all:) My tummy is hurting right now, but I'm not feeling nearly as bad as yesterday, so this is still an improvement;) I'll take any improvement, lol. I'm glad the work day is over and I can finally relax and enjoy the weekend:) We are going up to Lancaster:) Kyle's brother, Cory, is home on leave after finishing his first deployment in the U.S. Navy, so we will finally get to see him!:) We haven't seen Cory in about 6 months! It should be a nice weekend:) Well, Kyle's home, so time for dinner:)

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