Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My Husband...:)

Whoever wrote this little prayer really knew what they were saying. My friend Kathy posted it in her blog, and it felt like the very words my mouth couldn't quite retrieve from my heart. She doesn't remember exactly who she got it from, but apparently God puts similar desires in the hearts of His daugthers when He temporarily "gives them away"...anyway...

Dear Lord, please help me see my marriage as a sacred thing. May I always understand that being married was not meant to just make me happy but make my character more holy. Help me remember being married is less about having the right partner and more about being the right partner. Shape me into the wife my husband needs and deserves. Help me to pause before I speak so I don’t react out of anger, frustration, or selfishness. Show me how to respect, love and give to this man in a way that honors You and brings joy to our home. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Things I love about my husband...
He is gentle with my heart.
He is careful with our money.
He encourages me in my walk with God.
He has godly desires and ambitions.
He will admit if he is wrong.
If he is wrong, he tries to make it right.
I always know he loves me.
Not a day goes by that I am not glad that I married him.

1 comment:

Kathy B. said...

yay! It really is such a great prayer.