Monday, October 29, 2007

Happy Monday!!!

Well, as expected, I woke up sick, trudged through my morning routine with a minimal amount of effort, and fumbled my way out the door. As I walked out the door I noticed it had rained since I'd seen Kyle off about 40 minutes earlier:) The sky was overcast and the hazey clouds didn't seem to be going anywhere. Yay! For those who don't know already, I love cloudy, rainy, "dreary" days:) Needless to say, this improved my morning a bit:)

As I walked down the stairs behind the building, heading for the parking garage, I heard rustling in the tree behind the wall. I stopped and stared up into the tree to find whatever was scampering around amongst the foliage (which also seemed glad for the rain). It was two squirrels, who must have been high on rain, because they were scampering around on the branches as if they had so much energy they simply had to get it out! haha. I dug in my purse and pulled out my camera just in time for them to jump out of the tree and scamper down the telephone wire that ran across the back wall:) They were so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, and seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the cool morning, perhaps as much as I would be if I weren't sick;)

The drive to work was smooth and easy, and traffic was surprisingly low:) The walk from my car to my office building was nice and cool, but not terribly cold, and I had my travel mug full of coffee (with cinnamon-sugar!) to keep me warm:)

So I woke up with a sore throat this morning. Why should that ruin a perfectly good Monday?

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