Sunday, October 7, 2007

How Exciting!

It's funny to notice how what I call "exciting" changes. When I was six, it was something as simple as a teddy bear (a light blue teddy bear to be precise). When I was ten, it was my birthday, Christmas and every-holiday-in-between wish, to have a horse. When I was twelve, it was the fact that a boy told me he liked me - a seventh grade boy! When I was fourteen, it was my new hairstyle...or color...whichever was new and bizarre that week. When I was sixteen, it was driving. When I was eighteen, it was graduating. When I was nineteen, it was going off to college. My definition of "exciting" seemed to either get bigger, stranger, or more expensive as I grew up. Then I got married. I suppose you all know what a newlywed budget is like:) My definition of excitement has changed once is my excitement for the week:-D

We finally bought coffee, and used our coffee maker:) And...

...Kyle bought me a napkin basket!:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it! Married life does bring many simple pleasures. Hey, you're thrilled with coffee and a basket, I'm thrilled with a clean bathroom. Some may think we're lame but I say joyful in every situation! Take care- Kayla