Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Wonderful World of Technology

Well, last night I fell asleep long before Kyle was ready for bed. Then suddenly I was woken up by a "fwump" as Kyle flopped down on the bed. I suppose I wouldn't really say I was woken up...I was "awake" enough to say, "hungh?" His reply sounded something like, "My stupid computer *mumble mumble* and then it *mumble mumble grumble* and showed this *mumble grumble* screen, and now I think it's dead." I'm sure it would have made more sense than that to someone who was awake, but considering I was not, and wouldn't know a thing about computers if I were awake, all I understood was that the computer died...which is probably how I would've put it too. In the morning I finally asked him what happened to his computer. His explanation didn't make much more sense to me then than it had when I was asleep, except that this time around I understood that if the problem was what he suspected, it would cost us about $700 to fix! I wasn't sure where we were going to get an extra $700, but considering Kyle is taking a computer programming class this quarter, it didn't seem like we had much choice but to fix it as soon as possible. I was prepared to give up my wonderful lattes to leave more of Kyle's tips accumulating, hoping we would miraculously acquire $700 in tips before the end of the term. Then after church today Kyle decided to tinker with his computer a bit more and try to actually figure out what the problem was before we spent money on fixing it. I'm not sure what he did but I think he somehow revived it! Well, it's working for now anyway. Kyle theorized that maybe he just wanted an upgrade so bad he jinxed it or something. I think maybe his computer knew he wanted an upgrade and decided to play dead for awhile so that we would be grateful to have it at all;) haha. Anyway, so for now we're not forking over $700 for computer parts but maybe we'll mention it in a letter to Santa or something;)

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