Friday, October 26, 2007


Seven o'clock in the morning, I'm jostled awake by Kyle, half-asleep, fumbling for the light. "Huhng?" I mumble, wondering why he's getting up so quickly. "It's seven!" he informs me as he switches on the light and rummages through his closet. "Seven??"
I don't think I've made breakfast so quickly before. We're out of cereal, so I couldn't grab bowls and spoons and be done. But it sure woke me up! Well, long enough to make breakfast, pack Kyle a lunch and see him off. Now Kyle is off to school and my brain is shutting back down...I made myself some coffee, which is too hot to drink yet...good thing it's 'Casual Friday' at work...
So I'm not entirely awake yet, but it's actually a nice morning:) I don't have to get all spruced up and wear slacks and a blouse today, so I am thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to simply pull on jeans and a t-shirt, toss my hair up, and wait for the coffee to kick in;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oi! Sometimes you just need to sleep in...