Thursday, October 11, 2007

How can you say that?

Yesterday while walking the few blocks to my car after work, I got a good laugh. A young guy on a bicycle slowed down as he passed me, swung his bike toward me and said, "I love you," as he rode past. Sure, he was probably just being a dork, but I had to try not to laugh for the next block or so, so I wouldn't look crazy, walking down the street laughing at, apparently, nothing. Even though he obviously did not think himself to really be in love, lol, I couldn't help but think, "How can you even say that jokingly? You don't even know me!" Not that I found it offensive. Like I said, it was hard not to laugh. But as I neared my car, I thought, "How rediculous is it to say something like that to a complete stranger... ... ... ...I wonder how God must feel..." How often do we pray to God, telling Him about what's going on in our lives, asking for His blessings and His provision, and somewhere tossing in how amazing He is and how much we love Him, yet in reality have not opened His Word in at least a week. In our heads, we know He is worth loving, and so we tend to tell Him so, yet we don't spend very much time or effort really getting to know Him. That would be like that guy being kind enough to stop and ask my name before deciding to say he loves me. It would not be that much better than not asking at all! Yet we approach God and praise Him, while not caring to know much more about Him than His name! He has given us thousands of pages of amazing text, revealing Himself to us. He spent time on this earth as a man, and inspired His disciples to record His time here so that we could experience the gospel story. He shows Himself in creation, in the blessings we take for granted. And yet when we finally meet with Him, we would rather tell Him all about ourselves, our lives, our problems, our needs...then we say, "By the way, I love you, God." I couldn't blame Him if He's said to me, "How can you say you love Me? You don't even care to know Me."

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