Friday, October 26, 2007

The Ideal Survey

You can assume all my answers include Kyle, haha

The Ideal Survey
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1. What would you have named yourself if you got to choose?
Hmmm...*thinks*...probably Lilly...I always thought that name sounded small, quiet and sweet.

2. If you could choose a new hairstyle every day, no matter the length, color, texture, etc. how would you have done your hair today?
I think today would've been a short hair day...

3. What is your ideal way to spend a summer day?
in the southern hemisphere, so it's not summer

4. What is your ideal way to spend a fall day?
Hmm...well ideally it wouldn't be spent in LA, so...going with ideals...sleeping in till about 8:30am, waking up slowly, enjoying a cup of coffee with Kyle, cooking a big breakfast in my exceptionally big kitchen, getting dressed in jeans and a comfy sweater, going to a farmers market, buying a lunch of fresh fruits and veggies, buying some flowers to arrange when I get home, driving home, enjoying a good book and a glass of tea on the big wrap-around porch for awhile, going out for dinner somewhere with hot soup, or yummy pasta, coming home, snuggling, and hitting the sack early!

5. What is your ideal way to spend a winter day?
Sleep in till 8:30 or so, wake up, enjoy a cup of coffee with Kyle, cook a big breakfast in my exceptionally big kitchen, get bundled up, go for a walk in the snow, come home, shed our coats, make some lunch, start a fire in the fireplace, make some hot cocoa, snuggle up on the sofa by the fire, read together for a bit, make some progress on whatever knitting project I have going, do some laundry (fresh-out-of-the-dryer laundry is the best on a cold day!), cook a pot of soup and bake some bread for dinner, enjoy a hot dinner, watch a Christmas movie, and hit the sack early!

6. What is your ideal way to spend a spring day?
Wake up around 8:30, blend up a smoothie, cook breakfast, take a shower, get dressed, curl my hair, tie it up with a springy colored ribbon, go prune the gardens out front, make a pitcher of sweet tea to enjoy throughout the day, pack a couple sandwiches and some fruit in a backpack and walk to the park, eat lunch, play on the playground, come home, relax a bit, go out for dinner, come home, enjoy some more sweet tea, and hit the sack early

7. What is your ideal guy/girl like?
Quite a bit like Kyle!;) no wait......EXACTLY like Kyle;)

8. What is your ideal place to live?
I'd say either somewhere up around Seattle, or somewhere along the Rocky Mountains, or somewhere along the Appalachian Mountains

9. What age do you think best fits your personality?
About 45.

10. Why?
I share the most interests, ideal pastimes, and opinions with that age group. And yes, as you'd probably suspect, I love hanging out with my mom;)

11. Who do you think is the ideal friend for you?
Kyle and my parents.

12. What do you think is the ideal hobby for you?
Hmm...not sure...some sort of craft that doesn't take long to complete one! But that requires a lot of space...

13. What is your ideal classy restaurant meal?
Caesar salad, garlic bread, chicken fettuccini alfredo, and either iced tea or white zinfandel

14. What is your ideal out-with-friends meal?
Chili's Carribean Salad and iced tea or a margarita

15. What is your ideal homecooked meal?
Nothing I know how to cook :-p

16. What is your ideal 'family reunion' meal?
grilled steak, twice-baked potatoes, fresh veggies and a good sized log to sit on to eat it off a paper plate on my lap

17. What is your ideal pillow like?

18. What is the ideal temperature for your house?
about 73*F

19. What is your ideal vacation?
one that includes a lake, lots of trees, a cabin, a boat, a campfire pit, and my hubby and kids

20. What is your ideal age to have kids?
Not sure, but I'm hoping to get pregnant with our first when I'm 22-23, then maybe another when I'm 24-25...

21. What is your ideal way to spend Halloween?
handing out candy to all the cute kids (and no stupid obnoxious teenage boys)

22. What is your ideal way to spend Thanksgiving?
with Kyle's family and my family and a bunch of food!

23. What's your ideal way to spend Christmas?
NOT stressing about two weddings within the next 4 days!

24. What is your ideal way to spend New Years?
sleeping soundly, with no nearby parties waking me up

25. What's your ideal way to spend your birthday?
with Kyle, doing something that I didn't plan

26. What's your ideal way to spend Easter?
big early breakfast, sunrise service, big lunch, easter egg hunt for the kids, and a yummy family dinner

27. What is your idea of perfect weather?
cool breeze, lots of clouds, afternoon thunderstorms, snow at night.

28. Describe your ideal 'living room'.
Spacious; walls are log on bottom, sage green on top; big stone fireplace with a large mantle and hearth; big comfy brown couch with navy blue and sage green throw pillows and a homemade blanket on it; a coffee table made out of a split log; a big rug in front of the fireplace with a big dog sleeping on it; a recliner; immediate access to the kitchen...

29. Describe your ideal bedroom:
Spacious; walls are log on bottom, sage green on top; small stone fireplace in the corner; rustic looking nightstands on either side of the bed; wood lateral blinds, dusty-blue curtains; access to a large bathroom with a jaccuzi tub...

30. Describe your ideal back yard:
Big, green grass, big trees, tree swing, evidence of children, large back porch with grill and porch swing and a small table and chairs.

31. Describe your ideal car:
I one day hope to have a minivan...I like the Honda Odysey (sp?)

32. Describe your ideal way to spend a Sunday:
Wake up, shower, coffee, do hair, wake up the kids, breakfast, get ready for church, church!, lunch, play with the kids, cook dinner, dinner, family time, put the kids to bed, finances update, snuggle, go to bed.

Repost as "The Ideal Survey!"

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