Thursday, October 11, 2007

Date Night :-D

Last night Kyle and I went out on a date:) Well, it was sort of on accident, but it was fun:) Kyle had to work late, so instead of making him take the bus even later at night, I drove to Westwood to pick him up after work. By that point, if we went home and I cooked, we would've eaten around 9:30, so we decided to make last night our monthly date night, haha:) We went to BJ's, which used to be a very regular thing for us. But having gone for a quite awhile with no BJ's, revisiting our old dinner spot was really nice:) Since it was our date night, we went all out and got appetizers, dinner and dessert;) Now, I love cooking, but it is definitely nice not to cook sometimes;) I really enjoyed going out with Kyle and just enjoying dinner:)

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