Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Diary of a Chain Sinner - Day, uh...9?

Dear Diary,

Well, obviously I've skipped a few days of writing. Audrey and her family got back from vacation Sunday night, so of course I've been busy ever since. They got into town around dinner time, so she picked me up and we went to Denny's. We always go there. It's, like, our spot. The people there know us, and our orders, by heart, lol. Anyway, we went to Denny's and stayed there until we had to leave, to get home by curfew at 1:00 in the morning. Audrey didn't seem to be in much of a hurry to get home in time...she said her parents were so exhausted from the drive, that she was sure they were asleep long before her curfew. I wanted to hang out with her all night (two weeks without my best friend was long enough!) but I knew it was a bad idea to stay out past her curfew. She kind of made me feel like a goodie two shoes. We ARE over 18, and both think it's pretty silly that she still has a curfew. We're in college! Who in college has a curfew?? But her parents say that it's for safety reasons, not because they don't trust her...they say after 1:00 is when the drunks start driving home, and she shouldn't be on the roads for that...and of course there's the "as long as you're living under our roof, you go by our rules no matter how old you are!" thing :-p BLAH. But...as dumb as I think it is sometimes, I found myself trying to convince Audrey that we should just go back to her house, so she'd be home by curfew, but I could just hang out with her there. I definitely didn't want her to get caught missing her curfew, and get grounded (19 yr olds get grounded??!)...I had to go it alone for two weeks while they were on vacation. I was NOT gonna let her get grounded, lol. Anyway...I felt like a sissy for trying to find "logical" excuses for going to her house instead of staying out. Afterwards I thought, "Why didn't I just tell her it's the right thing to do?" Was it wrong for me to chicken out on saying that? I don't know...I'd already met with my Specialist that day, so I couldn't ask Him until yesterday.
Yesterday I started classes again. I didn't get to really meet with my Specialist, cause...well, you know how adjusting to a new class schedule can be. I'm not used to when my breaks are or how long it takes to get from class to class...so I just called Him on my lunch break. Oy, you should've seen how dumb I looked in front of Audrey. See...well, I haven't told her about me seeing a Specialist yet...I don't know why. I'm just not entirely sure how to explain it all to her. I feel like I don't know enough about my own condition and the treatments and all that. So of course when I wanted to call my Specialist I told her I had to call my Friend. (I'd say He qualifies as a Friend to me now, wouldn't you?) As soon as I referred to this "friend" as a "he" she flipped and asked who my new boyfriend was! I told her I didn't have a boyfriend. She wasn't convinced and kept asking who "this guy" is throughout the day. I guess I'll have to explain it to her eventually, huh? Anyway, she (conveniently) had to run to the bathroom, so I used that opportunity to call Him...I told him I wasn't sure when I'd get to meet with Him. He was just glad I called...He said He's very eager to meet with me again, and would love to hear about Audrey and school...(See? He qualifies as a friend;). Anyway, I told Him I'd still read the Book He gave me, tonight. I felt bad not meeting with Him in person, but I'm sure I'll meet with Him again soon...

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