Saturday, September 13, 2008

Probably Happier Than Is Socially Acceptable

So I think lately I've pretty much been the happiest person on earth. But, by all means, correct me if you're happier. I definitely wouldn't mind exchanging "why I'm happy" stories:) Anyway, the past weeks have been great, despite the daily blahness called work. I like my job, but it sure takes up a lot of time, lol. But it's all the stuff that happens outside of work that's got me all...jazzified...for lack of a better word. See, beginning in mid-August, life just got really great! We drove out to Arizona to spend a weekend with the Lees and the Saltzmans, and had an amazing time. We visited their church, and saw how God is really working through it in amazing ways. I wish we could've visited for a month or so, rather than a weekend. Leaving was kind of like "coming down off the mountain," lol. It was really exciting to see what God is up to in other areas of the Church:)
The following weekend was youth camp, which was no less than pure awesomeness. I absolutely loved getting to know the girls a bit better, and to talk with a few of them as they sorted through everything they (and I!) were learning. It was amazing to see how, given just a little time free from the distractions of every day life, we all finally tuned our ears to God, and were met with "waves of mercy, waves of grace - everywhere we looked, we'd see His face" (c'mon, you know you're doing the little dance too...). Of course like every camp, we had to "come down off the mountain," but were reminded that the "camp special" wasn't that God was at camp more than He's at home, but that we simply took time for Him...and that can be done at home too:)
The following week I was inspired to start a project. I could explain all the logic behind it, but that would make for a too-long-to-read blog, so I'll skip to the project. I'm starting "a collection of youth-related take-home resources" - in other words, a library for the youth group. I am in the process of collecting books and movies that relate to the kinds of questions, issues and life-choices that teenagers encounter. Anything from theology, to dating, to sexual purity, to defending your faith, to...well, anything! The idea is that these kids have questions, and it is our job to give them resources. Now, I know there is something to be said for seeking the counsel of someone who is older and wiser, but let's face it; if you've been a teenager before, you know it's not always easy to share everything with someone else. I've had issues that I didn't want to share immediately. I don't want kids to leave their questions unanswered, or let the issues they battle become full fledged wars for their souls, just because they didn't have the resources to seek help or answers. I've watched someone very close to me walk away from God because when his friends (including myself) didn't have the answers to his questions, he looked no further, and walked away from God. I never want to see that happen again. me crazy, tell me it's a big job, ask me if it's worth it...or, actually, don't, because I don't care, lol...I am building this library. I've spent a lot of time figuring out the system, working out the kinks, and figuring out what this project is going to take. My dad has told me (from experience, lol), "Don't start a project unless you're willing to do everything yourself...There's no guarantee that everyone will jump in with both feet." So I didn't start it until I had figured it all out on paper, and was sure I would be willing and able to do all the work myself. It's been exciting, and it's stayed on my heart even through figuring out how much work it will be. I haven't been met with encouragement on all sides, to be honest, but for some reason I don't care. I haven't been given a single legitimate reason to just not do it. I've had challenges pointed out to me, but I've modified the system, and kept going. And I am almost ready to get it "officially" going. I have a box of books, and am getting the check-out system ready to go. I am really hoping that the box of books will grow into a shelf of books, and eventually shelves of books. But I've got a decent start going, and a collection that includes some real "five star books". I am also hoping to include movies, as I know there are lots of great Christian films out there, as well as DVDs of seminars, debates, etc which are really interesting. Anyhow, so far I have a library budget of $50 a month, so hopefully each month I'll be able to buy a few books to add to the library. If you have any recommendations, such as books or movies that taught you something, inspired you, or helped you work out an issue, please give me recommendations! I'd really like to buy books that I've heard good things about, so let me know if you know of any books that are real must-haves, or even should-haves;) I suppose it can't hurt to throw it out there that I am accepting donations, so if you can bear to part with the books you would recommend, it would be hugely appreciated if you donated them!:) If not, simple recommendations (or monetary donations if you're particularly inspired to help out:) are definitely appreciated:) Anyway, that's what I've been up to lately, and I've been having a blast doing it:) It's extremely exciting, believe it or not, lol. Kind of in a "If you build it, they will come" sort of way, haha. I haven't gotten giddy about something in a long time, so it is great to be excited about something again:)
Anyway, this has gotten really long, and it's time to finish up dinner. Leave me comments with any book recommendations! Remember they don't have to be specifically "for teens"...they just have to be good ;)