Monday, January 14, 2008

Wow, It's been a whole week?

Awhile back I was thinking about the world. I don't do that very often. Unfortunately usually my thoughts are limited to my little sphere of the world. I'm kinda nearsighted like that. But occasionally I think about the rest of the world. It occured to me that it'd been awhile since I'd heard any missions updates, ministry miracles, or cool stories about what God's been doing. For a moment (God didn't let this thought linger long) I wondered, "So...where's God been? What is He up to?? Why am I not seeing Him working?"...It quickly occured to me that I'm very nearsighted. The last time I saw God working was when I was involved. My first thought was, "Gee, I need to open my eyes. I'm sure somebody out there is doing something for God." *sigh* He didn't let that thought linger long either. In fact it almost felt like He kind of flicked me on the back of the head (lovingly of course;) and said, "Don't look harder! Move closer! You're not seeing Me move because you're not moving with Me!" Ouch...but it's true...The only times I question God's plans, work, and activity in our world, is when I'm failing to be involved in it.
Our church recently sent out (local loss, grand-scheme glory) two families who were very active in our church. They're moving on to work on a church plant in Arizona (it's been planted, they're "watering"). The church is not going to die without them, but there sure are quite a few consequent bulletin notices at our church: "We need nursery workers!" "Join us for worship team practice!" etc To be honest, I haven't really found my "nitch" in ministry. I'm not sure where God wants me. So I just kind of threw myself out there and told Pastor Jan, "Put me where you (or God, rather) want me!" Now, God may be gracious and merciful, but He has a sense of we'll see what He does with me...

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