Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Job Hunt Update

Well, today is day 7 of job hunting. So far I have had two interviews. One of them, at a temp agency, hired me on the spot, and kept me in their system even after I said I wasn't sure I wanted to actually accept the position. Apparently now if worse comes to worst, I can call them and say "assign me something" and they will. I could technically tell them to delete me from their system, but I figured a free backup job might not be a bad thing, even though I'm pretty sure I won't need it.
The second interview, I'm pretty sure was a failure. It was for a position that I'm completely unfamiliar with, and I didn't really have any real answers to most of their questions. "How do you handle stress?" "Uhmm.......gee, I can't remember ever being truly stressed before, so I don't have a clue!" How do I make that sound good? All I could really do was speculate. "Based on my personality, I'm guessing I would do/say/be __." I've no experience with most of the challenges they brought up, and had little of value to say. I felt kind of bad because someone in their company had specifically recommended me for the job, and I basically went to the interview and quickly discovered a hundred new ways to say "I don't know". Unless they recognized the incredible quick-thinking/improv skills, I doubt they were impressed.
Anyway, I have another interview today. We'll see how that one goes. It's actually an "interview for an interview"...this company hired a staffing firm to find them a receptionist. So I have to interview with the staffing firm, and then if they like me, I'll be interviewed by the actual company. They haven't even told me what company this is for, so...who knows where this one will go...
We could still use your prayers, of course. We're doing okay financially, and we're certainly not feeling hopeless yet, but we'll be glad when we have income again. Thanks for your prayers. And thanks for the support so many people are offering:) Your encouragement is really appreciated:) We'll keep ya posted!:)

1 comment:

Alex said...

Oh man, I hate interviews! Keep your chin up, the best you've ever had is right around the corner! :)