Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Job Hunt Update

Today is Day 1 of my job hunt, and God may already be workin':) My first move toward finding a new job was to try to think of people who might know of job opportunities in their own companies. During my time at Mediaedge, I met a radio sales rep (he sells ad spots on the radio, not radios, lol) named Zayne. He's a really neat guy:) He came in every few weeks at least, including bringing his family in to hand out candy for Halloween and treats for Christmas:) He's one of those people who's pretty much always up for helping people. Whether it was "Know of any good date spots?" or "What's the quickest route to Westwood?" he had answers! haha. So today I thought, "Maybe Zayne knows of some job openings..." I e-mailed him and told him my situation. He was pretty surprised that I got fired, lol. He asked me to send him my resume, and let him know what areas I'd be willing to work in, and what my salary needs are. I e-mailed him back and sent him that information. Almost immediately he e-mailed me and said that the director of sales in his office is in immediate need of an assistant, and that he has referred me to him. I am supposed to keep my phone handy, as I should be getting a call from the director of sales there! Apparently the position needs to be filled ASAP, and I need a job ASAP, haha. Needless to say, I was pretty excited to already have gotten a recommendation! Be praying that this works out!! Thanks, to everyone who has been praying for us:) And thanks Zayne!!!

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