Monday, January 28, 2008

My 101

Inspired by Amee, who was inspired by Jocelyn, I've decided to write my own "101 in 1001". What is this "101 in 1001" thing? It's 101 things, goals if you will, that I would like to achieve within the next 1001 days. That's a bit less than 3 years, if my guess-work is correct.'s my 101:)

1. Actually finish a devotional book all the way through. (Apryl, I think the last one I finished was the one we did sad is that? I've started at least one, but not finished!)

2. Get off birth control (I achieved this goal before I even finished writing my list!).

3. Be in awe at the blessing of feeling normal, once the birth control affects wear off (still waiting on this one though, lol).

4. Move out of L.A.

5. Buy a furniture set.

6. Make walking and/or running a part of my daily routine, at least on weekdays.

7. Lose my birth-control weight.

8. Learn to speak Kyle's love language(s) fluently.

9. Learn how to communicate my feelings without having to stew about them or let them "simmer" for so long before being able to put them into words.

10. Go for a whole week without spending any money (aside from essentials; bills, groceries, etc).

11. Make it through a trip to the grocery store without buying anything that wasn't on the list.

12. Get a job.

13. Quit a job (cause that means we'll be moving!).

14. Make or buy some sort of gift for our grouchy apartment managers.

15. Get over my hatred for beer (though I will never get over my hatred for drunkenness, but fortunately that's not an issue).

16. Buy Kyle a cowboy hat.

17. Take Kyle somewhere that he will actually wear his cowboy hat.

18. Attend a family reunion (where Kyle can wear his cowboy hat).

19. Send a care package to all the soldiers I know (that's only two, so I think we can manage that).

20. Get started making a baby. It's okay if this one takes some time...we'll maybe start trying around Day 1001...

21. Start going back to the dentist regularly.

22. Take a pottery or wood-working or other creative sort of class with Kyle.

23. Take a Biblical Studies course.

24. Learn Greek (I suspect this one may take more than 1001 days).

25. Buy a Greek Bible.

26. Paint at least one painting for our house.

27. Dance again, at least when nobody's around.

28. Stop complaining so much.

29. Learn to ignore pregnancy symptoms until I am off birth control (shoot, now I can't ignore them).

30. Own a dishwasher (This will be glorious).

31. Get Kyle an electric drum set.

32. Get Kyle a computer upgrade.

33. Forget about a past regret.

34. Visit the east coast.

35. Go camping.

36. Go backpacking at least once.

37. Get some good quality, as-comfortable-as-possible black pumps.

38. Make vacuuming a weekly habit.

39. Learn more about sex (sorry).

40. Build up a collection of children's books, Disney classics, the original VeggieTales, and Dr. Seuss books.

41. Rid my home of particle board (this will be difficult).

42. Get pictures taken with Kyle.

43. Volunteer somewhere.

44. Read the whole Bible.

45. Clean out my makeup stash and minimize it.

46. Start an IRA.

47. Become a more dedicated FlyBaby (Don't worry if this makes no sense).

48. Try a new recipe at least once a month.

49. Finish the Harry Potter books.

50. Get back to 26".

51. Get a dog (and train it before we get the nice furniture).

52. Buy us bicycles.

53. Paint a room.

54. Eat some MooseTracks. It's been too long.

55. Wear out a pair of running shoes.

56. Play in the snow.

57. Go to a fancy restaurant with live jazz and quiet customers.

58. Learn how to change my own oil.

59. Cut my hair short again.

60. Buy a real Christmas tree for Christmas.

61. Live somewhere that my parents will really want to visit (i.e. somewhere green).

62. Become a stay-at-home-wife.

63. Get involved in a womens Bible study.

64. Be an AWANA leader again if the opportunity arises.

65. Stop calling our kids by their potential names.

66. Donate more of our stuff to the Salvation Army or Goodwill.

67. Learn to eat my vegetables with a good attitude.

68. Figure out how to ignore the occasional baby itch.

69. Stop mentally laughing at this number like a junior higher.

70. Learn to sit up straight.

71. Keep a food journal/"body book".

72. Acquire a collection of various kinds of teas.

73. Start a tea cup collection.

74. Have someone over for tea :)

75. Take Kyle to see the Bar-D Wranglers again before they all die...

76. Go horseback riding.

77. Visit a Farmers Market.

78. Scrapbook our weddings.

79. Make chocolate dipped strawberries.

80. Create my own flower arrangement.

81. Have a front and back yard.

82. Buy a houseplant and not kill it.

83. Get into the habit of taking a shower every day.

84. Get into the habit of brushing my teeth more than once a day.

85. Learn a way to prepare vegetables where I'll actually like them.

86. Start taking pictures more often.

87. Get over how easily I get grossed out by bugs, and just kill them myself.

88. Begin to understand politics more.

89. Uhm....think of 11 more goals to add to this list...

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