Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I Think God Read My Last Post

Well, like I said..."God may be gracious and merciful, but He does have a sense of humor, so...we'll see what He does with me."

Yesterday, I lost my job. I've gotten a lot of "WHAT?!?"s and "What happened!?"s already. Well, the reason given was that they're doing some reorganizing. The reality, I believe, is that they were getting the idea that maybe this receptionist thing wasn't my little 'nitch' in life, and I kind of accidently confirmed that for them. My bad. Anyway, seeing as being a receptionist isn't my little 'nitch' in life, I'm seeing this as a blessing in disguise. I have to say, aside from quitting when we move out of LA, it couldn't have gone much smoother than it did. I still think my former boss is really cool, and his boss is pretty cool. I'm glad I could go through the firing process and still think that. Most people don't care much for their boss to begin with, so I consider myself lucky. Anyway, as much as I see it as a blessing in disguise, I do get the occasional "Wait! We still have to pay bills!" and "Where am I gonna find another job??" moments. But...God has provided already. I got a decent severance pay package;) lol. And I know a few people that I met through my job at Mediaedge, whom I can at least contact to see if they have any positions available. Even if none of those work out, at least in the very beginning, I am not feeling completely lost. I at least have a 'starting block'.

That said, while we're being optimistic, we could certainly use some prayer. If you guys could keep us in your prayers, that'd be great:) Thanks everyone:)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your in my prayers! Even when times are tight, and seems you've exhausted every avenue, God provides. What a blessing it is to be in HIS hands! Take care!