Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Sick Today

Well, yesterday as we were leaving Lancaster, I commented that I was pretty sure I was going to wake up truly fully sick. *sigh* I was right. I've had a cold coming on for a few days now, and last night I could tell it was growing steadily worse. Sooo, I kicked off the new year by calling in sick to work this morning, sleeping half the day away, and filling the corner by my side of the bed with tissues. I'm not usually one to call in sick. My job is so easy it almost seems like a sin to call in sick. What sickness could actually keep me from doing my job? Well, I guess it's hard to answer phones, with no voice, and I think my coworkers would prefer that their mail be late, than sneezed on. However, since I have been gone for a week and a half, I have lots of work to catch up on, so tomorrow I will be dragging myself in to work...and hopefully not sneezing on everyone's mail.

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