Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It's been awhile...

It's been awhile since I last blogged, so I thought it was about time. Kyle finished up the fall quarter at school last week and passed his classes with flying colors:) To celebrate the end of the quarter (and to get me to quit nagging for a date perhaps) we went out to Chomps, a sushi place in Fullerton, and got way more food than we could eat! We ended up with about 6 pounds of leftovers, haha, but they didn't last long;) They served as a yummy lunch later!;) After our date night we drove to Lancaster and spent the weekend with my parents:) It was fun:) We helped them decorate their Christmas tree, and eat some of the goodies my mom made (which was a ton!):) It was a busy weekend, as all the last minute wedding details are coming together, but it was fun:) This week is our last week of work until 2008!! Kyle got nearly full-time hours at The Coffee Bean, as many of the student employees went home as soon as school got out for the holidays. So he's been working nearly full time this week. I've been working, as well as working on a sort of project we've started: assisting my memory! I have always been a bit easily distracted, but lately I've been down right absent minded! So this past weekend I bought a "brain" as I call it - it's really just a planner/organizer, but I've been carrying it everywhere with me and writing everything down! When I think of something I need to do, I write it down on the to-do list for the day that I should do it. When I'm given a phone number, it goes in the address book. When I make a purchase, the receipts go in there (it also serves as a wallet). And every day I've got it with me so that my to-do lists are never far. So far it has worked pretty well! My favorite part about it though is that the front cover is a picture frame, so I can carry Kyle's picture with me everywhere;) It's really handy, having my calendar, to-do lists, note pad, address book, check book, bank cards, credit cards, IDs, insurance cards, etc all in one place. The thing now is, I gotta keep track of this thing! lol. Hopefully my absent-mindedness won't result in (literally) losing my brain!;) Anyway...I do still have a couple more things on my to-do list for today, so I ought to do them;)

1 comment:

Apryl Kuhn said...

I was gonna say... don't lose that thing!