Thursday, December 13, 2007


Kyle and I have started gaming together:) We've been playing a computer game called "Fable". It's a neat game!:) You begin the game as a boy, faced with a dillema: You have no money, and need to get your sister a birthday present. From this point on, pretty much everything you do is a moral decision. Your dad offers you the opportunity to earn money for a present by doing good deeds around the village. Of course, you could skip the good deeds and go steal a present. Either way, that evening, bandits attack your village, killing most of the towns people, and kidnapping your sister. Soon after, you meet a man who takes you to "the Hero's Guild" where you are taught how to fight. Once you graduate from training, you are sent out into the world of Albion. It is up to you whether the life you then lead is one of good or evil. Each quest you take increases your skills. Each decision you make shapes your character. Each action you take changes your reputation, and as you grow up, your fame grows as well. Ultimately, your goal may be good or evil: find your sister, or seek revenge. Your character changes in ability and appearance, depending on your experiences, your choices, and how you develop your skills. Even your appearance begins to match your moral character as you make your way through Albion, growing from a boy into a man - some kind of's up to the gamer;)'s a lot of fun, and Kyle and I have enjoyed playing it together:) He does the actual playing, but I watch and help a little's a lot of fun, and is apparently one of his interests that he never expected his wife to get into, or even halfway understand, haha. The few guyfriends of mine who have found out that I play computer games with Kyle say, "That's so cool! Man, most girls think gaming is dumb or something!" Honestly, for me it depends on the game. I like killing monsters. I don't like war games. I like games where you "grow up" within the game. I like quests, fantasy settings, swords, cool outfits that resemble renaissance attire, etc...I doubt Kyle could get me to play 'Call of Duty' with him. But given the right game, I can have fun with it:) And so far we've had a lot of fun with Fable:) And, yes...we're going to be a good guy;)

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