Sunday, December 9, 2007

Bye Bye Cozy Sac

Well, Kyle and I recently decided that our big brown bean-bag sofa just wasn't really cutting it, for our little apartment. It took up a lot of space, and as comfy as it was, it hardly got used at all. So yesterday Kyle and I posted an ad on CraigsList, hoping to sell our cozy-sac. We figured we'd try to get $100 for it, since we bought it for about $200. I thought we might have to lower the price before anyone would buy it, but this morning someone had already e-mailed us, asking if it was still available! Wow, lol. Kyle e-mailed her back and said that it was still available, and gave her our phone number in case she wanted to further contact us. Within an hour, she and her husband came by to take a look at it, and it was gone. I didn't realize things could sell that quickly on CraigsList! I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, lol. We found our apartment on CraigsList;) Anyway, now we have "a lot" of space in our "living room":) Our Christmas tree now lives by the window, for all to see:) rather than next to the bed, for Kyle to get poked by when he gets out of bed, haha. The down side is, how we are nearly seatless. lol. We have the dining room table, and Kyle's computer desk, but nowhere to kick back, except the bed. But oh it is so nice to have some space:) We're not sure what will go in the "living room" now, but we're keeping our options open. In the mean time I suppose the Christmas tree and the coffee table can get better acquainted, haha.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A moment of silence for cozy sac...RIP