Thursday, April 10, 2008


Wow, I didn't realize it'd been so long since I'd blogged! I guess it's time for an update, isn't it? Well, we're still here in LA, and are still very much ready to get out. I'm still job hunting, with a somewhat discouraging lack of results. Kyle is getting back to the grindstone, working on his last quarter at UCLA. We're excited for him to graduate:) Financially, by God's grace, we're doing just fine. Our tax returns, unemployment, and Kyle's paychecks have kept us afloat. We have actually been able to have a little bit of fun lately. A few weeks ago, we went for a short hike up in the San Gabriel Mountains, with my parents. A week later, Kyle's brother, Cory, came home from being stationed in Florida, and we were able to spend some time with Kyle's whole family, which was a nice treat:) We have made several trips to Santa Monica recently, and each time we have not been able to resist going into 'Recreation Equipment Inc.' (REI), a outdoorsy type sporting goods store. It's a camper's paradise.'s a RICH camper's pardise. It's a poor camper's torture chamber. Haha. See, we're poor campers, so all we can really do is go in there and drool all over the beautiful backpacking packs, tents, hiking boots, topo maps, rock-climbing gear, camping stoves, CamelBacks.....*sigh* It's fun though, even though we couldn't possibly afford any gear right now:) Last trip, I found a pack which, eventually, I'd like to buy. No rush though. After all, we ARE kind of stuck in LA most of the time, lol. But hopefully before long, we'll move to Lancaster, I'll get a job, and we'll be able to take a couple of weekend trips up into the mountains. Borrowed gear will work for the time being;) As long as we get some good ol' fashioned camping in, I'll be thrilled!:) The mountains have been calling me, so answering the call is more important to me than buying a fancy new pack. But maybe someday...;)
This past weekend, our friend Eryn came down from Oregon for a pastor's conference, and we were able to visit with her for the weekend before the conference:) It was neat getting to spend some time with her:) We've all been friends for years, but rarely actually get to see each other, so having her for the weekend was a treat:)
Now, however, we're pretty much fallen back into our routine of school, job hunting, cooking, cleaning, sleeping, school, job hunting...But June is approaching, and we are excitedly awaiting Kyle's graduation from college, and our "graduation" from living in Los Angeles :D

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm happy to hear (or read) you guys are doing well. I know what you mean about wanting to go camping.. I've really been wanting to do a weekend camping trip really bad.. anyway.. take care!