Friday, March 7, 2008


Have you ever read something, and then failed, for days, to get it out of your head? This is my state of mind since beginning "The Screwtape Letters". It is such an engenius work of literary art! Of course, that's a's C.S. Lewis. Anyhow, I am about two thirds of the way through the book, and wish it were longer. It feels as if I've just started it! You know how that goes - the occasional "easy reading" book, whose pages seems to flip automatically and you're done before you know it! Why couldn't Lewis have lived longer, and written more! Not that I've read all his books, but I'm sure I can read them faster than he wrote them, and therefore will, before long, have read his entire works, and of course be wishing there were more. If any of you have not read "The Screwtape Letters" or any other book by C.S. Lewis ('Mere Christianity' is also an excellent book), you are definitely missing out. I'm sure you could buy one of his books for about the price of two lattes, and even if lattes must be skipped in order to do so, I guarantee it's worth it.
Anyhow...back to reading!:-D

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