Thursday, February 14, 2008

My 101 Update

This post is in reference to my post awhile back about 101 goals I'd like to achieve, or at least make progress on as some of them are a process, within 1001 days. So far, I'm not doing too bad:)
(1) I am finally OFF birth control. Those nasty little pills were too much for me...
(2) I've started a "Body Binder" to keep track of (a)my basal body temperature, and (b)what I eat!
(3) I've made it through a couple of grocery shopping trips now, without buying anything extra!
(4) This one is a process, but...I'm getting better at communicating my feelings to Kyle, before stewing about them for a long time. And he, as always, has been more patient and understanding than I could ever ask him to be.
(5) I've scratched "Learn to ignore pregnancy symptoms" off the list because (a)since getting off birth control, I haven't had pregnancy symptoms, and (b)if I do start getting pregnancy symptoms, I should probably not ignore them, haha.
(6) I am scratching "cut my hair short again" off the list because I am going to do that this weekend!:)
(7) We made chocolate dipped strawberries for Valentine's Day:)
(8) I've been getting better about eating my vegetables with a good attitude. I don't think I'll ever like them, but...I suppose I can tolerate them.
(9) And lastly (for now), I've begun to understand politics quite a bit more lately. With the elections going on, I can't really avoid hearing about them! And hearing about them regularly, I've started to catch on to the lingo, who's who, and so on. I don't think I'll ever really be "into" politics, but I feel a little bit more qualified to vote intelligently now:)

That's it for now:) Hopefully I'll have more to check off the list soon:)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey! awesome! great job! isn't it great to cross that stuff off?