Thursday, February 14, 2008

Job Hunt Update - Perhaps A Change of Scene?

Well, I suppose it's about time I updated you all on the job hunt:) To make a long story short, things fell through with the job I previously blogged about, and I am still hunting. I have recently started broadening my job search criteria. See, I have been told that, based on my resume, "my field" is...well...the front desk. However, while job hunting, numerous people have commented that most of my experience is in working with children. This morning it occurred to me that I don't even have all of my child-care experience on my resume! I only included the experience where I was formally employed! Come to find out, many listings posted by people seeking childcare also accept experience such as church ministries, camp counseling, etc.! Now, I love working with kids. I wouldn't say I'm an expert - I'm not a mom yet, so I won't try to claim to be an expert, haha. But I have spent two school years as a part-time, unpaid teacher's aide. I have worked for a day care. I have been involved in non-profit children's ministries. I've been a camp counselor. I've taught sunday school, been an AWANA leader, and been involved in children's musical programs. I've worked in the church nursery. Why am I not building on that?! I love working with kids! Why am I hunting for a job behind a front desk?? SO...while I'm still keeping the front-desk option open, I've started searching for job listing that are more kid-oriented. I've applied for a job as a full-time teacher's assistant at a preschool, and one as a full-time nanny. I'm really hoping to hear back from either or both of them. The tough part is that I don't have any child-care or children's education training, as in college units in that field. I'm really hoping that somebody out there (an individual, or private organization) will at least give me a chance...

Anyway...please continue to keep us in your prayers. We're still doing okay financially, but we can only go for so long without a steady income! Pray that a good opportunity comes along soon:) Thanks everyone!


Unknown said...

good luck with that! there are toooonnnsss of nanny jobs out here (most homes are two income in this area), and nannys get paid better than some desk jobs! good luck with that! I did some nanny stuff before Amelia came and it ended up being super helpful when I had Amelia. Plus you can't beat getting paid for playing with kids all day!

Anonymous said...

I read both your and Kyle's blogs regularly. I fully understand your frustration about the job hunt. Grandma and I will continue to pray that you quickly find the perfect job you now. Your problems with the birth control pill are very similar to problems that Grandma had 50 years ago. We had to resort to mechanical devices because her body did not tollerate the first drugs that came out 50 years ago. The problem with the mechanical devices is that in the heat of the moment hormones sometimes overdrive the best of intentions, thus your Mother in Law was born just 12 1/2 months after we were wed. I still believe that God had a plan in this because the timing of her birth seemed to fit our frantic schedule perfectly.

As you struggle with financial worries don't forget that your family on both sides stand willing to provide you with a safety net. Finish up this year and insure that Kyle gets his degree and you will find that there are many oportunities thay will magically appear that may save the day and maybe provide a whole new direction to go. Kyle has to provide the keel of your ship of life but you have to help him steer the course at the helm. Remember that your future education is extremely important to both of you. You can and should always intend to finish your own education. It doesn't need to be on a four year plan but you are so bright that you should always focus on getting some sort of a degree as insurance against the worst possible disaster in your family future. God will help in times of trial but he always expects us to make the proper preparations as a life preserver. As a member of our family we are always standing by to help with advice, shelter, prayers and encouragement. (As Kyle will tell you, I always feel that everyone is entitled to my opinion. smiles). Rest assured that your are both in our prayers.